Monday, March 29, 2010

Don't worry

Don't worry fellow followers (all 4 of you)...there will be more to come very soon...I have a lot of material already written as well as new stuff that has not been written yet. Ok then!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Inks, Oos, and Ooeys

Links and blinks
And winks and thinks
Pigs are
And skunks make stinks
I am nice
And gum is chewy
Cats like mice
And slime is gooey

Monday, March 22, 2010

Juiced Roots

And celery
Make me feel
So hel-healthy
All three of these
I like to munch
I like the way they
But when they're
Blended in a cup
They make me want to
Throw-throw up.

Hay there, have some coffee

my coffee today
tastes like a horse
hay from a horse's stable
not that I'd know
but i
think I am able
to say it tastes just
like a horse's hay smells
and it's making me feel
quite unwell.
First of all...let me just preface this by saying I have oodles and doodles of respect for troubled poets with large vocabularies who write poems with many hidden meanings, BUT that styzle has just never worked for me. Here I present to you my collection of poems, most of which rhyme and most of which are about silly things that I think about during the course of a day. I guess I just think in rhyme or something. So I hope I make you wiggle and giggle, chortle and snortle. Whatever it is you do just please enjoy these because they do mean a lot to me.

...and I'm sorry for all you punctuation freaks, but I don't know how to properly punctuate my poems, nor do I really care...